
Wednesday 16 September 2020


today me and my class were learning  how to make fried rice

these are the the ingredients you need and tools

  1.  soy sauce
  2. kale
  3. stem beetroot
  4. onion
  5. spring onion
  6.  sauce 
  7. carrot
  8. silver beet
  9. paprika 
  10. oil
  11. garlic
and the tools you need.

  1. knife
  2. cutting bored
  3. bowl
  4. wooden spoon
  5. tea spoon
  6. table spoon
  7. electrical frying pan
what i found nothing hard
i enjoyed writing this

do you know how to make fried rice?

Tuesday 15 September 2020


Today me and my class were writing about pepeha.

Write a pepeha - Junior

Ko  owairaka toku maunga

Ko  Manukau toku moana

No Tongan ahau

Ko weteri toku kura

Ko Iongi toku whanau 

Ko saia toku matua

Ko taina toku whaea

Ko junior toku ingoa

what i found hard was writing this in Maori n English

i enjoyed Blogging my pepeha 

have you ever heard of pepeha?

Friday 11 September 2020

Tongan travel expo

 Today me and my class were learning about travel expo. a travel expo is when you are convincing someone to come to there country. 

this is mine   

What i found hard was coming up with these ideas.
What i enjoyed was blogging this 

Have you ever heard of travel expo?

Thursday 6 August 2020

Michel Mulipola

Mulipola:Michel Mulipola:

Michel Mulipola is a samoan guy who writes comic or story books.he says some people forget comic books aren't just pictures -there story's too.and did you know there is is 14 kind of angle,shots  the 14 angle,shots are eye level low angle high angle worm eye's view bird eyes view canted.

kind of shots
extreme close up,big close up,close,medium-close up,medium shot,medium long shot,long shot,extreme long shot.these are the kind of shots

did you know that Michael discovered comic when he was five years old: a pile of 2000 ad
he remembers the exact he saw them. Michel says  the bright color and the bold color characters really caught my attention.

Michel liven in onehunga Auckland.

what i will change next time is to check my spelling

i enjoyed writing this.

nothing was changeling because this was fun 

have you heard of Michel Mulipola

Hunger Ball

  1. Football Rules 
  2. don't touch the ball 
  3. don't even think of running away with the ball
  4. don't switch players 
  5. never ever bump into someone
  6. when andu says stop you stop
  7. listen to the the teacher
  8. don't sit on the ball
  9. don't throw the ball at people
this is how to play football

there are 2-6 goals one person from each goal has to go get a point
to get  a point is to kick the ball in to one of the goal. when you are done the other
players has go outside the game and wait there turn.when you wait your turn the people 
in the front of the line go's in the game game.when your class is done playing the game 
one of the worker adul takes a photo of me and my class.

what i will change next time is to check my capital letter,make scene

i enjoyed writing this. 

to be completed      

do you wanna play Hunger ball

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Hunger Ball

Hunger Ball

yesterday at me and my whole school were playing Hunger Ball . Hunger ball is a game for  Football or Hokey.there is six goals 2 kids has to be on each goal to play Football or Hokey.for Hokey we use a Noodle to wack the ball to go in the goal.the other teammate has to protect the goal so the ball doesn't go in the goal.

if it go's in your goal that means your out and you have to line outside again for  your turn. when your out 2 people that is waiting in the line has to go play Football,Hokey,End game 

End game is like when a this fat as bouncy Ball that you have to use your hand to bounce the Fat ball to the someone eases goal.The Rules are you cant hold the ball for long or you can't Run with the ball.

the guy that was setting up the Hunger Ball game was Aundul he was the guy the was playing the music on his speaker. and he was helping telling kids what to do. After we are done Playing Hunger Ball He took a Photo of my me and my Class and the whole school

what i found hard was writing this

what i enjoyed was writing this

what i found challenging was play Hunger Ball

have you ever heard of Hunger Ball


Tuesday 28 July 2020

Water Interview

Interview question Glass of water
today me and my class have been writing a water interview.
Q.1 what is your name
Q.2 why is your name water
Q.3 why are you here
Q.4 do you have a family
Q.5 how was water made
Q.6 Do you play sports
Q.7 Does your family live in the ocean
Q.8 Why does people like drinking your friends
Q.9 Are you sad that people are drinking you
Q.10 Do you eat food?
i enjoyed writing this down
what i did not enjoy was doing this by myself

what i found challenging was writing all of this down
what i will change next time is to check my spelling and my capital letters 

did you know that water is healthy for you.

Thursday 23 July 2020


today me and my class have been learning about powhiri progress.
A pōwhiri is a Māori welcoming ceremony involving speeches, dancing, singing and finally the hongi. It is used to both welcome guests onto a marae or during other ceremonies, such as during a dedication of a building. 

A pōwhiri may not be performed for every group of manuhiri; a mihi whakatau may be used instead

i enjoyed writing this down
what i did not enjoy was writing this down

what was challenging was writing this down 

what i will change next time is to check my spelling and my capital letter

                                                                            have you herd of powhiri

Tuesday 21 July 2020


today me and my class were learning about water.we had to make a poster for water this is my one
what i learned that if you don't drink water you will die but if you drink water you can live
what i enjoyed was making this poster and blogging it 

what i did not enjoy was making this ;)

what i will change next time is to make scene and use capital letters next time.

what i found challenging was 

Friday 26 June 2020


yesterday me and my class were learning about longitude and latitude.we had to mark a place to go 
we had to mark a point. after we marked a location we had to go to that mark. after were done our buddy had to come out to see that if we were in the right spot.i got two what you want to go on is this link. after you are to mark a point u have to click ctrl then you click the pad thingy on your Chromebook when u finish marking Ur point it will look like this

 have you ever heard of point mark

Thursday 25 June 2020


latitude and longitude are imaginary line form a grid around our planet.this grid is a way of locating places and being able to describe their location .each place has an address ,written as a set of number called coordinates .both latitude and longitude are measured  in degrees.
lines of latitude circle Each horizontally . the equator is the starting point for measuring latitude .the latitude of a place is described in terms of how far north or south of the equator it is.

what i enjoyed was writing this down and reading and learning about latitude and longitude

to be completed  

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Captain Cook

running survey. to do this, he sailed to shore taking his compass reading of the same prominent landmark, such as big hills, head lands and cliffs.

then he will sail a short distance along the coast so that he could take
 readings of the same landmarks from a different position before plotting them on his chart.

cook then sketched the coastline between the plotted landmarks to complete the out 
line.a crucial part of the running survey involved finding latitude and longitude.

these gave cook his exact position witch allowed him to chart the coastline and place new Zealand
correctly on a world map.cook worked out latitude by measuring the angle of between the horizon and the sun when it was its highest position in the sky.

he did this using the movement of the ship and the result were more precise.longitude was much more difficult to work out because it is based on time to find their longitude.

cook needed to know the time in both Greenwich and new explorers before him cook relied on what he already knew to find out.

what i enjoyed was writing this down and learning about captain cook        
what i didn't enjoy was writing this down by myself

what will change next time is to check my capital letter and make scene.     

Friday 19 June 2020


today me and my class were learning about Tupaia we were reading this book a bout Tupaia. i learned  about that he was friends with James cook.

what i found hard was making this blog.
what i found challenging was making this by myself 
i enjoyed doing this work because it was fun making this poster.

Student Toolkit

Yesterday for the toolkit i joined the how to create a word cloud.i learned how to make a word make a word word cloud you have to search up after you are done you create your own word cloud it should look like this.after you are done you can make your own.

what i will change next time is my spelling and i will check if i make scene and i will check my capital letters. 

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tupaia Master Navigator

 a man with mana tupai was born in Rā‘iātea the second largest island east Polynesia around 172⁵.he was from a high ranking family and showed up talented from a young age. because of his gifts.
tupaia was chose to train with arioi exclusive groups of priests,navigator warriors musicians,and priests,priests. 
what i will change next time is my spelling.and i will check my capital letters
what i found challenging was writing this and doing my work.and i will make scene.

Tuesday 2 June 2020


What i enjoyed about tivaevae is learning about the pattern 
What i learned is that 8 woman is allowed to make the pattern.

what i found hard was reading all of this by myself watching the video 
By myself.

And what i enjoyed was watching the video how to make a tivaevae pattern
What was cool was learning all of this cool work that i enjoyed

what i will change next time is making sense and checking my spelling my spelling next time

Friday 29 May 2020

Lock down paradise

My paradise in lock down is going to McDonald because i haven't gone to McDonald in 8 weeks i think or the beach because during lock down i was so HOT and cold at the same time I wanted to go to the pools because the sun was so hot like lava I was hiding under the tree drinking water when i was out of water i was running as fast as i could inside my house i looked in my fridge for water but then i notice something was was missing.

I was running again around my house. I noticed I had a tap. I got so angry then my brother walked in then i changed back to happy because i'm kind of scared of him? So then I grabbed a cup I turned on the tap then the water came down onto my cup.

I drank it then I was happy.

what was hard was writing this entire story by my self it was hard.

what enjoyed was writing this story.

what i will change next time is my spelling.

Lock down paradise

                 Today we were learning how to insert a image onto a background. 

what i enjoyed was making my own emoji what was hard i had to put the image on the blogger.
 What i will change next time is my face
were would you stay in lock down paradise?

Tuesday 26 May 2020

hello guys today we were writing about peeks and bits for lock down.

Thursday 21 May 2020

life when in lock down

When i was in lock down i was doing training the most with my brothers in the garage i like how i was just running with my brothers to the mountain what i didn't enjoy was waking up early in the morning to go shopping.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

What i enjoyed from lock down was watching movies all night what i didn't enjoy was cleaning up the house what i also enjoyed was working out and eating at the same time